The Financial Investigation Unit (FIU) is the primary ofice attached to the Attorney General's Office,
to generate financial intelligence to prevent and combat the crime of money laundering (ML),
financing of terrorism (FT) and financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (FPWMD).
According to the scope of the Law against Money and Asset Laundering, all the presons described in article 2 of the same will be Obligated Subjects, having, among other responsabilities, the reporting of the suspicious finacial operations and/or those that exceed the thresholds established in the law; as well as appoint and train a Compliance Officer. Therefore, and prior to the accreditation process, the Obligated Subjects listed in article 2 of the aforementioned Law, must register through this web page.
RegisterFor more information, please communicate to the following number: (503) 2593-7800
The FIU is the Financial Investigation Unit of the Attorney General's Office whose mission is to prevent and detect activities associated with Money and Asset Laundering, acting seriously, efficiently and responsibly; in accordance with the principles of legality, justice, security and impartiality.
To be a modern, recognized and distinguished Financial Investigation Unit at the national level, for its capacity in crime prevention, for the effective fight against Money and Asset Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.